Generation Prop Firms

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How To Pass Any Prop Firm Challenge (with ease)

How To Pass Any Prop Firm Challenge (with ease)

💡 Préparez-vous : Familiarisez-vous avec les règles et les exigences du challenge. 🎯 Définissez votre limite : Déterminez le montant de capital que vous êtes prêt à risquer. 📈 Gérez vos risques : Utilisez des techniques de gestion du risque pour minimiser les pertes...


👌 Déclaration en tant que micro-entrepreneur avec une société dédiée pour trader avec des propres firmes. 📈 Impôt sur le revenu calculé sur 66% des bénéfices non commerciaux (BNC) grâce à l’abattement de 34%. ⚖️ Cotisations sociales URSAF de 22% sur les BNC. 💰 Exemple...
How to fine-tune your exits from the markets?

How to fine-tune your exits from the markets?

Proper risk management should ensure that forex traders maximize profits when a trade succeeds and minimize losses when a trade fails. So how do you set up risk management to best suit you? In our last article, we wrote a bit about how in trading you should focus...
How to fine-tune your exits from the markets?

How to fine-tune your exits from the markets?

Proper risk management should ensure that forex traders maximize profits when a trade succeeds and minimize losses when a trade fails. So how do you set up risk management to best suit you? In our last article, we wrote a bit about how in trading you should focus...
How to fine-tune your exits from the markets?

How to fine-tune your exits from the markets?

Proper risk management should ensure that forex traders maximize profits when a trade succeeds and minimize losses when a trade fails. So how do you set up risk management to best suit you? In our last article, we wrote a bit about how in trading you should focus...